Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Hey, I haven’t put anything on this site for a long time and to be truthful, I’ve been a tad busy.  What I’ve got for you is a collection of what I call memory drawings.  These are simple straight to paper ink drawings without any sketching that I’ve done then scanned over to Procreate on the IPad and colored in.  The act of remembering is so subjective, I’ve reached an age where 80’s song lyrics and 70’s parties are easier to call up and where my damn keys are!
Here is a scene from several summer trips with the kids to the Redneck Resort town of Gulf Shores, AL.

A recent trip to Baton Rouge to see the Tigers beat Floria and watch the team enter the stadium by marching down the hill.

A memory of working my pizza job during college in the late 70s-80s.

Hanging around in New Orleans waiting on a Mardi Gras parade to come by, nothing to do but drink and people watch.

Tailgating at LSU game.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Easter everyone....


Friday, December 21, 2012

Been playing with the Manga Studio again and decided to work up one of my favorite books about my favorite city.  Confederacy of Dunce is not only a funny book, it's set in the New Orleans I grew up in and no longer exist.  this is just for the old portfolio but I plan on having some fun.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

page 4

page 5


Friday, September 21, 2012

first three pages of online comic.(pages 1-3)

page 1

page 2

page 3


Thursday, August 30, 2012

doug of the dead 3


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Doug of the Dead 2

I'm not really drawing much anymore, it seems the ordinary chores of the day are sucking the time away from the drawing table.  When the kids get back to school next week I may try to get back into the swing of things, but I make no promises here.  This drawing is a special job for my good friend Doug on his birthday.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

post 64

My old friend Doug came over from Tulsa and spent the week with me and drove me around while I recovered from some surgery.  He mentioned that he was a member of the Zombie Squad in Tulsa and I thought he would get a kick outta' this one.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

post 63

Things are good here, the weather is getting milder and wetter and we are settling into the fall routine.  Here is the fall poster for Donna so she can gallivant around the country in style.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

post 62

I can't believe that I ever tried to post one drawing or cartoon a day on this blog!  Hell, I'm lucky to maybe get one a month on here.  It is too easy to blame the kids or any one specific thing,,,except, OK, I will say it,  the laundry.  Here, that's a load of my chest,,,get it, a load,,,,sorry.  I spend more time, washing, folding, hanging and looking for hidden clothes than any other thing in my day!  And to make matters worse, Madeline and Leslie's clothes now all look the same to me so I'm never sure who's shirt or undies makes into the right drawers.  At least the dogs still hang out with me.  Here's another rabbit poster, maybe they will one day be my "Blue Dog",  naw, I didn't think so either.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

another Bunnies Poster

If you are wondering if these are the only guys I'm working with these days the answer would be; yeah.  So much going on these days at the casa, not to mention my new career as a soccer manager and treasurer (can you believe these people gave me the money?).  This going to be a big show at a really well known venue here in Nashville.  Cool weather is coming right? right?


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

bunnie's moondance

I'm still playing with photoshop and using the wacom pad to go totally paperless.  There are some advantanges but it does seem to take forever to get an image down.  There is an art to drawing on one surface and looking up on a computer monitor to see the image form.  I will  more than likely turn this into a gigposter for the Bunnies.  Hope all are well!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

post 59

well, it's be a long hot summer and to top it off, instead of drawing, which yours truely is suppose to be doing daily, I got wrangled into being the kids soccer team manager and treasurer!!!!  what a time destroyer this has turned out to be!  Here is another Bunnies poster, thanks miss Donna and have a great time in Chicago!  May have a line out to storyboard a real film, more as that develops!
